WonJin Yoon

고려대학교 정보대학(구 정보통신대학)
박사과정 수료(컴퓨터학)

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*페이스북 링크는 로그인이 되어 있어야 작동합니다.

*영문 홈페이지 먼저 업데이트 됩니다.


윤원진  (Wonjin Yoon)
  It is pronounced like [One Gin]

고려대학교 박사과정 (컴퓨터학전공)
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Major

 CV   Google Scholar

✨ News

✨ May/2021: I will give an invited talk at a seminar hosted by RINS, Seoul National University (서울대학교 간호과학연구소) (News).
✨ Sep/2020: Our team (KU) won 8th BioASQ challenge PhaseB for both Exact and Ideal (Exact answers : for two consecutive years) (News).
✨ Sep/2020: BioBERT has been ranked as the most read papers in Bioinformatics which is one of the top-tier journals in the domain.
Also, BioBERT was included in the Best Papers for the Natural Language Processing Section of the 2020 IMIA (International Medical Informatics Association) Yearbook (link).

WonJin Yoon. 윤원진. 尹元鎭

고려대학교 박사과정 수료(컴퓨터학전공)

I am interested in Natural Language Processing and BioNLP.
My recent publications are focused on Language Models, QA and NER in biomedical domain.
(Please check: BioBERT (co-first author), BioASQ (BioASQ7b).

I am also interested in Computational Biology.

Misc. I love taking pictures and traveling.
I took all the pictures in this webpage by myself!
Hope you enjoy them ; )


2017 ~ Current
Researcher at DMIS Lab, Korea University, Seoul (Jan 2017 ~ ) DMIS
Research collaborator, AstraZeneca (Strategic R&D centres : 영국, 스웨덴), (Feb 2020 ~ )
Research Intern @ NAVER (Clova AI), (Sep~Dec, 2019)

2017 ~ 2019

Research Intern @ NAVER (Clova AI), Sep~Dec, 2019
Started Ph.D. program at Korea University. 2017

2013 ~ 2016
고려대학교 컴퓨터학과 졸업(B.S., CSE Major, Class of 2017.)
싱가포르 국립대학 교환학생 (NUS ; National Univ. of Singapore) (2015) Report
고려대 정보보안동아리 KUICS 회장(2015) KUICS
Inc0gnito 컨퍼런스 2014 회장 Incognito Conference
경기고-고려대 YB 동문회장(2014)

서울 경기고등학교 108회 졸업


Google Scholar

Research Publications / Works

Paper and Research results...

covidAsk: real-time QA system on COVID-19
Jinhyuk Lee, Minbyul Jeong, Mujeen Sung, Wonjin Yoon, Yonghwa Choi, Miyoung Ko, Seok-Won Lee and Jaewoo Kang

Available on arXiv and covidAsk

Pre-trained model for biomedical question answering
Wonjin Yoon, Jinhyuk Lee, Donghyeon Kim, Minbyul Jeong and Jaewoo Kang

Available on arxiv and github

BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining
Jinhyuk Lee*, Wonjin Yoon*, Sungdong Kim, Donghyeon Kim, Sunkyu Kim, Chan Ho So and Jaewoo Kang

Available on Bioinformatics and

github(Fine-tuning codes) github(Pre-trained weights)

* Joint co-first authors; these authors contributed equally to the work.

CollaboNet: collaboration of deep neural networks for biomedical named entity recognition
Wonjin Yoon*, Chan Ho So*, Jinhyuk Lee and Jaewoo Kang
BMC Bioinformatics 2019, 20(Suppl 10):249
Full paper (oral) accepted for CIKM 2018 workshop -
ACM 12th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO2018)

Available on here (Open access) and github

* Joint co-first authors; these authors contributed equally to the work.

A Neural Named Entity Recognition and Multi-Type Normalization Tool for Biomedical Text Mining
Donghyeon Kim, Jinhyuk Lee, Chan Ho So, Hwisang Jeon, Minbyul Jeong, Yonghwa Choi, Wonjin Yoon, Mujeen Sung, Jaewoo Kang
IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 73729-73740, 2019.

Available on IEEE (Open access) and BERN

